Month: June 2018

Keep an Eye on Immigration Bill in U.S. House

Following the defeat of H.R. 4760, also known as the “Securing America’s Future Act of 2018”, House leadership decided to delay further consideration of H.R. 6136, also known as the “Border Security and Immigration Reform Act of 2018”, presumably to work toward whipping the votes in favor of the bill ahead of any vote. Let’s…
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Meet Congressman Culberson in Jersey Village this Saturday!

Come out to the Jersey Village Civic Center this Saturday to have some coffee with your neighbors and meet Congressman John Culberson. He is going to need all Republicans throughout our district, including Jersey Village, to get out and talk to neighbors about getting out to the polls and keeping him in the House of…
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Stop the Blue Wave with the Red Wall

If you have read any of the media coverage of this year’s mid-term elections, you’ve heard a bit about the alleged “blue wave” of Democratic candidates who believe they have their best chance in decades to take back solidly Republican seats at the state and federal level across Texas. There is reason for Democrats to…
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